
How to access the master page of a Portal Page template in Kentico CMS

Michael Roma

This post shows you how to access the actual master page for a Kentico Portal template. It allows you to edit the HTML tag and other areas that are not accessible from within the Kentico user interface

  • Kentico
  • C#

C# Generic Extension function to check if an item is in the list of values

Michael Roma

The following is a C# Generic Extension function that checks if an item is in the given list of values.

  • C#

Useful Umbraco Links

Michael Roma

Helpful Umbraco links/resources

  • Umbraco

How to force WWW in your URL using ASP.NET Web.config URL Rewrite

Michael Roma

This article shows how to force your site to have WWW in the URL using the IIS URL rewrite module.


Connecting to a SQL Compact database using Entity Framwork in ASP.NET

Michael Roma

The following shows how to setup a proper connection string and DbContext in Entity Framework in order to connect to a SQL Compact database in ASP.NET.

  • C#
  • Entity Framework

C# Helper functions to map a DataTable or DataRow to a class object

Michael Roma

The following methods will allow you to map your DataTable, DataRow results to a class object.

  • C#
  • SQL

Using the LIKE filter in Entity Framework

Michael Roma

Example on how to use the LIKE functionality in T-SQL in Entity Framework

  • C#
  • Entity Framework

How to display the x++ stack trace using the InfoLog in Dynamics AX

Michael Roma

Displaying the x++ stack trace in Dynamics AX 2009

  • Dynamics AX
  • x++

Using Contains in Entity Framework for WHERE IN clause

Michael Roma

A common problem with parameterized queries is when you have the need for a WHERE IN clause and the IN list is variable. This is solved with Entity Framework using the Contains methods of the list.

  • C#
  • Entity Framework

iOS Examples project on Bitbucket

Michael Roma

I posted an Xcode project on bitbucket that shows different examples I'm been working on.

  • iOS
  • Objective-C