This post shows how to fix an issue with ASP.NET MVC Razor pages where the syntax highlight does not work and intellisense doesn't work.
Code-first dictionary manager that allows you to define your Dictionary keys as an Enumeration in C# and automatically create the keys in Umbraco on application start.
This post discusses a ContentHelper class that can be used to query the Umbraco CMS content tree
This post shows how to have data from a Kentico form builder pushed to SalesForce automatically using the Web-To-Lead functionality.
The following is a C# helper class that reads App Settings in your ASP.NET Web.config file
This post shows how to change the Online-Form widget in Kentico CMS to generate DIV tags instead of TABLE tags.
How to setup the site's timezone to be different than the server's timezone in Kentico 7 CMS
You might get the following error when trying to postback "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object". This is because ASP.NET limits the number of form keys that are posted during a postback.
The following post shows functionality on mapping a Kentico CMS TreeNode object to a strong type .NET model class. These functions use reflection to map a property in the class to a Kentico document type field.
The following post shows Kentico 7 CMS wrapper functions that allow you to easily query nodes and return back a strong type.